
Download Wipe Professional 2023.03
Download Wipe Professional 2023.03

Fixed a problem in the RenderView optical parameters updates.Improved IPR transformations events system to prevent unnecessary updates, especially useful while working in "on mouse up" mode.Improved support for the IPR updates of the visibility, matte and traceset options in the particle objects.Material ID parameter exposed in the USD Material Builder HDA.Existing scenes will continue to work as before using the hidden legacy params Added support for per-camera background/backplate settings, which replace the dome lights backplate options.New asynchronous IPR camera events system for improved smooth camera IPR updates.Added support for the "accel" attribute to the mesh and hair objects to render velocity based curved motion blur.Added new option to the RS ROP node to configure the Houdini networks to be extracted, by default "obj", "out" and "tasks".Added support for the "Debug" flag to the VOP subnets.RenderView camera refresh mode set to "Current ROP camera" by default.Added support for Houdini 19.5.569 and dropped support for 19.5.435.

download Wipe Professional 2023.03

Added support for Houdini 19.5.605 and dropped support for 19.5.493.Added native Distorter shader Cinema 4D legacy Distorter shader is auto-translated to native shader.

download Wipe Professional 2023.03

  • Addressed an issue in the "Fast" resampling mode for curves.
  • download Wipe Professional 2023.03

    Addressed an issue where textures referenced directly as assets would be missing in renders over TeamRender.Addressed an issue where procedural projections, under certain conditions, would produce blank or incorrect output when animated or when deformation blur is used.Improved memory usage and processing overhead in scenes with large number of instances.Improved performance and interactivity of material previews in Nodes.Fixed a bug where sun light update could cause a crash with sky model.Added support for RS Flakes and RS Pavement shaders.

    Download Wipe Professional 2023.03